Senin, 26 Januari 2009

selalu ada yang baru

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Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009

lanjut kain flanel

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kain flanel

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Selasa, 20 Januari 2009

koleksi baru lagi

jika ke weleri kendal desa rowosari pasti dunk
mampir ke sendang sikucing
beginikah ilustrasinya

Senin, 19 Januari 2009

maskot kendal ....masjid agung n garuda

koleksi terbaru dari
pa lagi yang pingin souvenir kendal punya gitu lho
bisa pesan kaos nie harga terjangkau......
limited edision

Senin, 12 Januari 2009

Forum: Batik, a symbol of Javanese domination?

Thu, 11/27/2008 10:56 AM | Reader's Forum

As an American, I can't enter this debate about "Javanese domination", but even I feel comfortable wearing batik in Indonesia and elsewhere. It's beautiful for sure, enough styles to fit anyone's preference, but more importantly practical and comfortable.

I'd love to have the option to wear batik over a hot stuffy suit and tie on the way to the office.

Would the author think Papau is better represented when government wears three-piece suits? Seems odd to make a political case out of a personal preference for a style of dress.

When I worked in Jakarta, we had casual day on Friday and I always wore batik shirts and now I have a collection of about 10.

What could be more comfortable to wear in the tropics? What could be more exciting to see than office workers wearing shirt and tie and/or suit which dates back to the 18th Century Englishman.

Why can't the world adopt the comfortable Javanese batik and this would be really terrific for the Indonesian economy? Why doesn't your president wear it more often?
Pattaya, Thailand

Yes, Javanese hegemony is a reality in Indonesia and only someone with guts can say that. The batik case is a harmful one, compared to national power sharing and allocation of capital or resources.

Just consider the top ranks of government and army then you can see who is in charge in Indonesia! And what about the position of the darker people in the east part of the country? Do they feel culturally represented in batik? The answer is: No!

I agree that if Batik is not our national clothes. In fact, we are from different ethnics and cultures. All parts of Indonesia have their unique batik such as Batik Banjar (sasirangan), Batik Kutai and many others, but we tend to narrow it down to the batik that comes from Java.

We don't have to hate the Javanese or certain people which promote Batik as our national clothes. If we don't like that icon, just leave it and wear our favorite cloths from the region you come from.

If someone asks you, why don't you wear batik? You can answer, "Indonesia has different cultures." By wearing our own traditional clothes, people can see how rich in culture we are. Thank God.

Lalika. It is what my parents called me, when I was "a good boy". Dad was Hungarian, Mum was from Nganjuk. I was born in Medan and, therefore, I wear the kain tenun emas and baju terhias and the peci bludru when I feel I have to represent my "Indonesian" ancestry.

And funny, I am so very happy to feel the swish of the kain against my legs. And batik? I love it too. And I wear the batik shirt when it is very hot here in Summer.

Of course, I am proud of my ancestors, be they Leluhur Jawa or magyar *llampolg*rs*gos osek. That is fiction. What would Java do without Sumatra or even Banda Islands? Just read the device on the Garuda, there is your answer.

Alhamdulillah, finally someone speaks the truth! Thank you for being so brave and being so out spoken. I couldn't have said it better myself.

Enough is enough! Stop any kind of ignorance and discrimination toward any other cultures, because it's not doing any good for anyone.

Let's start fresh and embrace all cultures with open minds and warm hearts, and then we might actually discover peace, freedom and beauty in diversity.

spanduk baru dan cara pembuatan batik

Proses Pembuatan Batik

Secara umum proses pembuatan batik melalui 3 tahapan yaitu pewarnaan, pemberian malam(lilin) pada kain dan pelepasan lilin dari kain.

Kain putih yang akan dibatik dapat diberi warna dasar sesuai selera kita atau tetap berwarna putih sebelum kemudian di beri malam. Proses pemberian malam ini dapat menggunakan proses batik tulis dengan canting tangan atau dengan proses cap. Pada bagian kain yang diberi malam maka proses pewarnaan pada batik tidak dapat masuk karena tertutup oleh malam (wax resist). Setelah diberi malam, batik dicelup dengan warna. Proses pewarnaan ini dapat dilakukan beberapa kali sesuai keinginan, berapa warna yang diinginkan.

Jika proses pewarnaan dan pemberian malam selesai maka malam dilunturkan dengan proses pemanasan. Batik yang telah jadi direbus hingga malam menjadi leleh dan terlepas dari air. Proses perebusan ini dilakukan dua kali, yang terakhir dengan larutan soda ash untuk mematikan warna yang menempel pada batik, dan menghindari kelunturan. Setelah perebusan selesai, batik direndam air dingin dan dijemur.

Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009

sahabat najwa

najwa collection
>busana muslim
>blus batik
>daster batik
>hem batik
>kemben batik
>tas cantik
kalau masih penasaran datang ja langsung ke
samping kantor pasar kendal

ajining dhiri ono ing lathi
ajining sarira ono ing busono

Jumat, 02 Januari 2009

batik pekalongan...kapan batik kendal...

wahh kapan ya batik kendal tu bisa diadaain. masa kalah ma batang. pa dari dulu memang ngga da ya?